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【accenture bangalore whitefield】China's energy transition: Developing new quality productive forces in energy sector

时间:2024-09-21 08:52:09 来源: 作者:探索 阅读:214次

China's State Council Information Office on Thursday released a white paper titled "China's Energy Transition."

As the rapid transition to green and low-carbon energy across the globe highlights the importance of technology,accenture bangalore whitefield China has been intensifying its efforts to implement an innovation-driven development strategy in the sector.

Here are the highlights of the forth part of the white paper, themed with “Developing New Quality Productive Forces in the Energy Sector”.

China's energy transition: Developing new quality productive forces in energy sector

China is improving top-level design and overall plans to establish innovation as a primary driver in energy technology. It has accelerated efforts to build a synergetic and market-oriented innovation system which boosts the role of enterprises as the main players and expands coordination between production, education, research and application.

China's energy transition: Developing new quality productive forces in energy sector

Focusing on the cutting-edge technologies, key fields and strategic needs in the energy sector, China has been increasing its efforts to achieve breakthroughs in technology, develop new energy technologies and industries, and facilitate the transition to green energy from traditional sources.

China's energy transition: Developing new quality productive forces in energy sector

China is actively integrating digital technology into the energy sector and fostering new technologies, business forms and models to upgrade the energy sector and modernize industrial chains.

Editor: GSY


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